迈克尔·布尔Music会- 9月. 1, 2022

Q&A:音乐教授提升了W&J, performs with Michael Bublé on “Higher” tour

Created: September 23, 2022  |  Last Updated: September 27, 2023  |  Category: , ,   |标签: , , , , ,
音乐教授苏珊·麦德利博士.M.A. on stage at Michael Buble Music会 on September 1, 2022 at PPG Paints Arena.
音乐教授苏珊·麦德利博士.M.A. on stage at Michael Buble Music会 on September 1, 2022 at PPG Paints Arena.

华盛顿, PA(九月二十二日), 2022)—When Grammy-award winning artist Michael Bublé performed in Pittsburgh earlier this month, 和他一起上台的还有一位总统——奥巴马&我是总统.

音乐教授 & 合唱团活动总监苏珊·麦德利博士.M.A., offered her alto voice to the Canadian crooner during his soulful rendition of Sam Cooke’s “Bring It on 首页 to Me,” which closed his “Higher” tour when it came to PPG Paints Arena on September 1.

麦德利一直在W&J 19年, sat down with the College after sharing the singer’s spotlight to speak about the experience. To learn more about her backup debut with Bublé, read the conversation below:

让澳门葡京博彩软件从头开始. What’s your background with music 和 performance?

Well, I started piano lessons when I was five years old, so music was always a part of my life. I taught school for a couple of years 和 decided I really wanted to be a college choral conductor. So, I attended the University of Cincinnati College-Conservatory of 音乐 for a doctorate in choral conducting, 和 actually worked in New York City for three years as the associate director of education at Carnegie Hall. 然后我找到了去华盛顿的路 & 杰弗逊和其他的都是历史.

So, how did you get involved with “Higher” tour?

A lot of artists have musicians who travel with them on tour, 和 they supplement that with local musicians in each of the cities they visit. 在某种程度上, someone who arranges for local talent got my name, 在2019年春天联系了我, 和, 当时, asked me to put together a 32-voice choir for 莎拉·布莱曼. 布莱曼创造了克里斯汀这个角色 歌剧魅影 和 was performing a Music会 at the Benedum Center in Pittsburgh. 所以我照做了,他保留了我的电话号码.

大概在迈克尔·布布伦Music会的前一周, he called me 和 wondered if I could put together seven singers who could sing in the gospel style. Originally, I wasn’t going to sing, I was just going to prepare the singers for the performance. So, I contacted seven singers 和 they all said yes, 但其中一个最终发生了冲突, 她碰巧是女中音. I’m an alto, so 我认为, “I think this is a sign that I’m supposed to sing this Music会!”

How did it feel to be asked to participate in a Grammy Award-winning artist’s national tour?

太神奇了. When he called it was like, “Of course I’ll do it.“我只有一个星期才接到通知, so I knew it would be a lot of work in a really short period of time, 但我挤出了时间.

Did you rehearse with Bublé 和 his b和 at all? 你见到他了吗?

不幸的是, we didn’t get to meet him because he was traveling with his two oldest kids, 当他不在台上的时候, 他和孩子们在一起. I wish we would have gotten to meet with him 和 talk to him, but he was being a dad. 他看起来是个好爸爸.

We did get to rehearse with him though, very briefly. We rehearsed with the background singers he tours with around 4 p.m. Then, I think our sound check with Michael was around 5:30 p.m. 差不多吧,Music会在晚上8点开始.m.

Can you tell me about your experience—being on stage 和 performing with this amazing artist in front of thous和s of people?

哦,太棒了. 你会看到一大群人, 灯都亮着, 乐队太棒了, 他是一个了不起的表演者, 这真是太超现实了. 我不得不想,“澳门葡京博彩软件真的在这么做吗? 这是真的吗??”


Michael Bublé is a huge deal 和 he has broad appeal. 当我对我的学生说, “I’m singing backup for Michael Bublé at PPG Paints Arena tomorrow night,他们的第一反应是, “你不是。!“然后他们变得非常兴奋. Music会的第二天, 我给他们看了一些照片, 给他们看了一些视频, 给他们看了我的舞台通行证, 他们说, "我的天啊!“他们想听听这一切.

So, you’ve worked at Carnegie Hall 和 performed with megastars like Michael Bublé 和 莎拉·布莱曼. 在W工作感觉如何&J比较?

我很喜欢. 我非常喜欢. The students are just great to work with 和 we’ve been able to make some wonderful music.

In 2019, as I was asking people to sing for 莎拉·布莱曼, I had three really outst和ing students who could read really well, 谁能学得很快, 我知道我真的能做到. 我认为, “对他们来说,这是一个多么好的机会啊,他们成了唱诗班的一员, 是谁在贝尼多姆演唱的. So, 当合适的机会出现时, 我能让学生参与进来, 只要有机会我就会去做.

你接下来要做什么? 你还有其他项目在做吗?

是的! 我指挥匹兹堡Music会合唱团, 100人的社区唱诗班, 和 we just finished a big project—we went to Europe over the summer—but, 今年春天, 澳门葡京博彩软件要在纽约演出.

这里是W&J, we’re in the rebuilding phase of the choirs. Having to rehearse online 和 in masks during COVID was difficult for singers, 和 many drifted away from choirs over the past two years. W&J Choir 和 Camerata Singers are back to full, maskless rehearsals now, 和 it feels so good! I really encourage any students who love to sing to come 和 be a part of the choirs here at W&J. It’s an experience they’ll really enjoy, 和 you never know where it might lead.

对华盛顿 & 澳门葡京博彩软件

华盛顿 & 澳门葡京博彩软件, proudly located in 华盛顿, Pa., is a historic liberal arts college founded in 1781 that values ethical leadership, 职业准备, 以及包容的社区. Our highly customized 和 intellectually engaging student experience develops professionals of uncommon integrity to lead in an ever-changing world. 欲了解更多关于W&J,访问 gzk.fundacionhosanna.com 或致电888 - w -和-杰.